About Valve Tags

Accidents happen. In the workplace and in the world, thousands of people suffer injuries and lose their lives each year to unforeseen hazards. Sometimes bad judgment is to blame; sometimes, bad luck. All too many of these accidents, however, are due to a lack of information and could be prevented with better signs and labels. Warning signs can help people safely avert danger, while other advisories can help them minimize damage if things do go wrong. MySafetySign’s mission is to make signs and labels as effective as possible in order to prevent accidents and save lives.
With readable fonts, precise language and clear graphics, MySafetySign offers signs that are laboriously thought-through for every situation. Accidents may happen, but at MySafetySign, we believe they don’t always have to.
Better signs save lives.

Valve tags are used for identification of valves in plumbing systems, hydraulic systems, sprinkler systems, or any other system consisting of valves. These tags are essential in providing a systematic approach to labeling valves and components in a facility. Valve tags ensure safety by minimizing the risk of spill, leakage, or accident.

Our valve tags are available in two sizes (medium and large) and a variety of colors, with both standard and custom legends to easily identify all types of valves, valve installation boxes, and hose bibbs. We offer both engraved valve tags and write-on valve tags. Our tags are manufactured using three layers of heavy-duty polyurethane. All tags come with ⅜” (.375” inside diameter) hole that is reinforced with a pull-proof polyurethane grommet that offers superior rip and pull strength. These valve tags are tear-proof, weatherproof, and chemical-resistant making them nearly indestructible and suitable for all types of environments and natural conditions.